
Press Release
SARCHA_PolypolisPressRelease (4)  

Press material

Pictures of the game:
The commissary introduces the structure of the game

The players take their place on the floor board
The floor board gets crowded by the players, who represent the different stakeholders (shop owners, land owners, investors, unemployed) of the Athens city center.
The clock is ticking - players should be quick to reach agreement
Observers and guardians sit quiet while the players plan and negotiate their strategies with the members of their own group
The players got a preparatory session an hour prior to the game
The shop owners work on their action plan
The land owners work on their action plan
The unemployed work on their action plan
 The investors work on their action plan
The shop owners contribute their sarchanomisma-products and trade exchange value

The land owners contribute their sarchanomisma-land and land use exchange value
The guardians cast their votes and present their reasoning
The guardians
The observers' hands on
It took some time to calculate points and announce the winning group
The winners: The Athenian shop owners (Greeks, Pakistani, Chinese). Once again the enterpreneurs' inventiveness showed the way ahead.
 Members of the SARCHA team that worked for the coordination of the game
SARCHA team members and friends re-fuel