How to play

Features & Rules

Reversing Monopoly, the role-playing social game Polypolis entails negotiations among groups of players that strive to resolve complex issues related to the various resources characterising the building section. The Polypolis object is the city; a pool of resources unequally distributed among the players at the start of the game. The players explore the potential of the ‘in common’ administration of human, natural and physical resources by continually renegotiating attachments among themselves and the materiality and complexity of city-layers. The game structuring discards fast-track success in favour of breathless resources resetting through the players’ continuous re-association. This is an intense embodied and emotional reflection on the current bleak city conditions in Athens and beyond.

The players apply n intervention tools for planning a course of action on a building section . Proposed actions should attain the agreement of co-players within a restrictive time-frame.

Players (book your role now)

Groups of up to 20 players - A distinct role-exchange value (SARCHA-nomisma) attached to each group.
Group 1. Investors sub-groups: banks, private investors, institutions/organisations, international corporations, developers. [SARCHA-nomisma: 5 units Money + 5 units Know How]                                                                                                                                   
Group 2. Land/property owners sub-groups: big-scale ownership, small  scale ownership (local owners), small-scale ownership (owners from other areas). [SARCHA-nomisma: 5 units Land + 5 units Land Use]
Group 3. Shop/small-scale manufacture owners sub-groups: Greeks, Chinese, Pakistani, Greek small-scale manufacture owners, [SARCHA-nomisma: 5 units Goods + 5 units Trade]
Group 4. Unemployed sub-groups: homeless, immigrants, drug-addicts, skilled ex-employees [SARCHA-nomisma: 5 units Time + 5 units Capabilities]
The Athens Mayor: introduces the real-life framework of the game (main vision & problems to be resolved). 
The city-guardians: Political Theory, Architecture, Economy & Law intervene when asked by the players, sum up & evaluate outcomes. 
Commissary: co-ordinates the game, counts down the time & the points gained. 
Observers: the audience actively observes the game & provides feedback at the end of each round.


14:00-15:00 Preparatory session with players

15:00-15:15 Registration starts. Observers, Guardians, Attending and Players take their seats.

15:15-15:20 The Commissary highlights the structure of the game, (5min)
15:20-15:35 The Commissary introduces each player and the groups exchange value (SARCHA-nomisma) (15min)
15:35-15:40 The Commissary gives a brief account of city resources and the issues to be debated
15:40-15:45 The Mayor of Athens and Sarcha present their vision for the area (5min)

15:45-15:47 The groups get together to fine-tune their strategy and formulate their vision (2min)
15:47-15:55 Groups vision presentation starts. Succession of groups (by draw) (8min: 2min per group)
15:55-15:59 The Guardians may comment (4 min)
15:59-16:00 The Observers vote for best vision (criteria: innovation, feasibility, involvement of all other groups) (1min)

16:00-16:05 Groups get together to adapt to best vision (5min)
16:05-16:20 Negotiation among different groups starts led by the winner of the first round (15min:5min per group)
16:20-16:24 Each group may take one minute time-out to seek guidance from the guardians (4min)
16:24-16:29 Groups exchange sarcha-nomisma (4min)
16:29-16:30 Sarcha-nomisma is counted (1min)
16:30-16:40 Guardians comment and give grades to each group (10min) (evaluation criteria as seen above)                                            
16:40-16:44 Observers approve/ disapprove each group’s contribution (4min)

C L O S I N G   C E L E B R A T I O N S
16:44-16:48 The Sarcha trophy is awarded to the winning team (4min)
16:48-17:00 Celebration and Feedback (12min)

Game Duration: 2h

Here you can watch an earlier version of Polypolis

SARCHA Polypolis social game from SARCHA on Vimeo.